French Country style kitchens
French Country kitchens are known to be warm inviting kitchens full of wood and soft colors. Natural materials feature strongly as do large furniture pieces with ornate carvings. Parlez-vous Françes? Don’t worry – you don’t need to speak French in order to enjoy the bright, comfortable and classic style of French Country in your home. From weathered walls to wide wooden tables, it is not hard to achieve the French Country look using the following guidelines.
French Country style is well-used, worn-in, imperfect but beautiful architectural, furniture and accessories. French Country style kitchens include lines of cracked wood beams, curved panels, hand-carved decorations and stone or exposed brick. Other French Country features include shutters thin window sills, and striped fabrics. Rustic furniture is also part of French Country style.Tables are often oversized rectangle or round and wooden.